Time & Location
Sep 21, 2019, 10:45 AM
Wai'ao Train Station , Toucheng Township, Yilan County, Taiwan 261
About the Event
This September ANZCham would like to give back to the community we love by cleaning up our beaches for World Clean Up Day. Come join us at Waiao Beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in Taiwan, for a fun day of swimming, surfing lessons and looking after the environment.
7:30 am to 8:00 am - Meet us at Taipei Main Station (Main Hall with chequred floor)
8:12 am - Train departs (Fuxing/Shuttle 區間車 4154)
10:45 am - Meet us at Wai'Ao Beach (Opposite the Wai'Ao train station)
10:45 am to 12:30 pm - Beach Clean up
12:30pm - Lunch at Drifters Pizza Pub (own expense)
- Free BBQ sponsored by ANZCO Fods and Mr Sausage
- Followed by beach games
- Free kid's surfing lessons have been cancelled-
Beach clean up tips 淨灘注意事項
- We will supply cloth gloves, but please bring your own if you have them. 穿戴麻布手套與包腳鞋,以避免執行淨灘監測時,遭利物刺傷。
- Wear sun-safe clothing (e.g. rashies/long sleeves) 著長袖衣服、長褲,除避免進行淨灘活動遭利物 劃傷外,亦有防曬效果。
- Wear a hat. 穿戴遮陽帽及領巾防曬。
- Remember to drink plenty of fluids. 攜帶水壺,隨時補充水分,不用瓶裝水。
- Backpacks are better than side bags/handbags (keep your hands free). 攜帶雙肩背包,空出雙手來淨灘。
- Don't move large objects on your own. 若廢棄物太過於龐大,切勿一人搬運、清理,避免受傷。
- Watch out for glass, needles or other sharp objects. 注意玻璃、針頭、或其他尖銳物品。
- Don't get too close to the waves, and keep watch for the tide. 遠離海浪,並隨時注意潮水之變化,並注意安全。
- Avoid stepping on plants or dunes. 避免踩踏海濱植物或沙丘地區。
- Be careful not to harm any sea life. 注意並避免傷害海灘上的生物。